5 Tips for Planning a Hybrid Christmas Party

What is a hybrid event? A hybrid event, simply, is any type of event that combines both in-person and online elements. When planning a hybrid event, you have access to the best entertainment options from across the globe – as you’re not constrained by location. Plus, hosting a hybrid event means your attendees can join […]

5 Tips for Planning a Hybrid Christmas Party

by | Sep 24, 2021

What is a hybrid event?

A hybrid event, simply, is any type of event that combines both in-person and online elements. When planning a hybrid event, you have access to the best entertainment options from across the globe – as you’re not constrained by location. Plus, hosting a hybrid event means your attendees can join from anywhere in the world – even if they can’t be in the room physically. 

Why host a hybrid Christmas party?

Hybrid event elements have been growing in popularity over the years – heightened as a result of the pandemic. Hybrid events offer your employees much more flexibility. Other benefits of a hybrid event include:

  • They’re better for the environment, with less waste and travel emissions. 
  • They allow you to involve more guests, with no venue capacities to contend with.
  • Hybrid events allow you to save money on elements such as employee travel, catering, and other costs that come with in-person events. 
5 Tips for Planning a Hybrid Christmas Party 1

5 Tips for Planning a Hybrid Christmas Party

Find the right hybrid event venue

The venue is always important – but becomes even more crucial when hosting a hybrid event. To host a successful hybrid Christmas party, you need to consider your venue’s internet stability, sound and audiovisual offering, and experience with hosting events post-pandemic. 

Think digital-first

When planning the agenda, activities, and setup of your hybrid Christmas party – your digital attendees should remain front of mind. It’s important to consider how your virtual employees can interact and remain engaged remotely. 

Create a balanced agenda

The agenda for your hybrid Christmas party will look very different from a traditional celebration. You may even want to provide two different agendas – one for your in-person attendees and another for your virtual attendees. This means that virtual guests can participate in the most engaging aspects of the event, while in-person guests can enjoy more downtime to socialise with colleagues. 

Encourage engagement between live attendees and remote attendees

Why not take shared experiences one step further? Providing your live attendees with a remote buddy can be a great way to ensure all employees get the opportunity to interact and feel part of the wider event! How they interact with their buddy is up to you – they could keep in touch via message throughout the event, or you could host a team challenge?

Include shared experience

Although you may opt for different agendas for in-person and virtual, it’s still important to create shared experiences which all of your attendees can enjoy. Our Christmas Cocktail Making Classes are a great option, providing live entertainment and tangible elements. This ensures all of your guests feel included in the action.

Hosting guests from dozens of countries each week, and bilingual mixologists – we’re well versed in creating an experience that can be enjoyed from any location. Plus, we deliver our cocktail kits worldwide and can tailor these to your needs – providing a great opportunity to send your employees an extra treat at Christmas time.

Hybrid Christmas parties aren’t as difficult to plan as you may have first thought – and your employees will appreciate the flexibility and consideration. If you’d like to add some fun, interactive elements to your Christmas party, in a hybrid format, get in touch today by calling 01224 600068 or emailing enquiries@boozyevents.com

Or learn more about our Virtual Christmas Parties and Virtual Cocktail Making Classes which are great for celebrating with the whole team!